Your body is trying to tell you something? Are you listening?

Take our Body Talk Quiz

Simply scroll through the list below

(no need to answer annoying questions page after page; get your answer now!)


Metabolic health is absolutely vital for good health and a high quality of life. It is a phrase that describes proper cardiovascular, neuro, endocrine and even immunological balance/regulation (balance of the entire body). The “quiz” (list) below includes common signs that you may be insulin resistant or be on your way. Being resistant to the very important hormone, insulin, means that you are metabolically unhealthy placing you at risk for chronic and acute health issues that are within your control. See consequences of poor metabolic health further below.

How to score: even 1 sign may be indicative of poor metabolic health.

Fasting blood glucose 100+ (other labs, see below)

Low blood glucose episodes

High blood pressure*

High triglycerides

High Uric Acid

Low HDL cholesterol

Weight gain for no reason

Stubborn fat stores (hard to lose)


Gave birth to baby 9lbs+

Gestational diabetes history

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Erectile dysfunction

Difficulty gaining muscle

Low vitamin D level despite intake/sun

Unbalanced sex hormones

Poor concentration

Fatty liver


High appetite

Always hungry


Dark skin areas

Skin tags




Poor sleep

Frequent urination

Poor exercise tolerance

Generalized pain.



TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS: If you have Type 1 Diabetes, as you know, you do not make your own insulin. This does not mean that you’re in the clear. You may still have the signs and symptoms listed if you are taking more insulin than your body SHOULD need. If you have the symptoms listed you may be at risk for becoming insulin resistant as well… resistant to the very medicine you take. If you need assistance with this, we are here to help you.


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: High blood pressure is often the first indication of IR. IR is the most common cause of “essential” hypertension (HBP). And, no it’s likely NOT your salt intake causing it!



Consequences include all chronic disease: including cardiovascular disease, diabetes II, cancer, arthritis resulting in poor quality of life or an emergent/deadly event: heart or brain attack (stroke- paralysis of swallow resulting in inability to eat at all), kidney failure, fatty liver, liver failure…death. This may sound dramatic. Well, it is. You will not get sugar-coating here. You deserve the truth to make your own choices to live a high-quality life. If we’re provided the truth more often, we’d be a healthier species. This doesn’t mean that we must live a life of boredom. There is a way to health and happiness!  We can help.


Recommended Labs to Assess Insulin Sensitivity (most require fasting):

Blood glucose





HDL Cholesterol

Uric Acid



And a qualified health professional to interpret them.

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